NeuroKinetics is a method of skeletal alignment which is:
~ Non-Manipulative ~
~ Non-Judgmental ~
~ Non-Invasive ~
~ Very Gentle ~
~ Effective ~
~ Safe ~
Instead of forcing joints into a new position, nerve receptors around the skeleton are activated using a light finger touch, causing the body to realign itself through muscle contraction.
This muscle contraction re-positions the bone and joints as required, to achieve optimum skeletal alignment.
The process is extremely relaxing and pain free. The method is pure neurophysiology and required no energy transfer or psychic input from the therapist.
Criteria for this treatment:
The patient remains fully clothed, relaxed and as long as the nervous system is intact (i.e.: the nerve have not been severed), then SNK can be effective in problem resolution.
What can be treated using SNK?
NeuroKinetics can be used to treat people of all ages including newborns.
90% of skeletal conditions respond to treatment, with most being completely resolved.
NeuroKinetics can be effective in the treatment of:
~ Back Pain
~ Disk Herniation
~ Congenital Spine Defects
~ Scoliosis, Lordosis, Kyphosis
~ Sciatica
~ Osteoarthritis
~ Migraine Headaches
~ Accident Trauma
~ Frozen Shoulder
~ Elbow pain
~ Knee and Hip Pain
~ Sporting Injuries
~ Sacroilitis
~ Neuralgia
~ Neurological Diseases
~ Spinal Cord Trauma
~ Pre & Post Natal
~ etc
The Treatment (*)
NeuroKinetics involves treating the entire skeletal structure.
Progress is usually noted after one or two treatments, however individual recovery rates and the length of time the condition has existed will determine the number of treatments required.
Even if NeuroKinetics is unable to help you, because it is non-invasive or manipulative, it cannot make your condition worse or do any harm whatsoever.
The aim of NeuroKinetics is to restore optimum balance, remove pain and improve flexibility and mobility.
(*) 4 is the Minimum recommended number of sessions